We are proud to announce that The Manifest featured us in three categories for Best IT companies in Bulgaria for 2022
  • Most Reviewed IT Services company in Bulgaria.
  • Most Reviewed Design company in Sofia.
  • Most Reviewed Software Developers in Sofia.

We are very happy that our hard work is noticed and appreciated.

Development is often thought about as an exclusively creative exercise. However, the reality of it demands that practitioners have a firm handle on the technical side of the platform and process they’re working with. This disconnect is what leads some companies to select teams that are all flash and have no function.

Fortunately, our clients are helping those in need by letting them know who the real team they need to contact for a successful project. This is because our partners have helped convince The Manifest to name Software Supreme as one of the most reviewed and recommended IT Service agencies in Bulgaria.

The Manifest is a business resource platform that shows off the best companies in various industries, so they can be selected for projects that highlight their skill sets. This is done by a combination of their awards program and rankings system.


We want to take this opportunity to thank all the people that made this unique milestone a reality for our team. Their initiative in writing and publishing is something we don’t take lightly because we know how much time and effort goes into it.



Our status in the industry will inevitably rise because of this award, and with it will come higher expectations. But our team is already ready for what’s about to come. We’ve built a process that takes advantage of all the skills and experience at our disposal. We fully expect to come out even stronger in the final quarter of the year.


If all this sounds like something you can use for your next project, learn more about it by visiting our website. Contact us today and we can begin talking about how to take your business to the next level.